chocolate peanut butter cookies

 last night i had a dream tht i was making cookies with reeses pieces so this morning i asked my dad to get me reeses pieces n cocoa powder :)
i was letting the butter soften n then i realized i needed another half stick of butter so i had to wait even longer

then i needed baking soda n all our baking soda was gone so we had to go to the store but i found out after going to the store we didnt have sugar either
so i had to use powdered sugar which is fine and i had to cream the butter + sugar with my hands because softened butter at room temp is still hard to mix with a whisk/spoon !!!
we have an electric mixer but its like old and it steams/smokes ??? when u use it so i didnt wanna use it (also its loud i dont like it loud)
but they were chocolate cookies with reeses pieces !!! heres a pic

they had a slight crunch when i bit into one of them but it was soft on the inside i love the texture tbh like these r rlly good cookies yum


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